
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Treat: on my wishlist!


Happy Fiddle Faddle, and a Merry Flippy Floppy to you!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

So I went to Seattle this last weekend, with a few friends, one whom we picked up from the airport, that flew in from the other side of the state. We went to Urban Outfitters(you know this one goes crazy for some U.O.!) and I found this picture downstairs in their housewares section. ZOMG! Can someone buy this for me and just send it along?! I would love ya. I mean I do already, but C'MONNNN!
But this is Praxis' favorite poster from Urban Outfitters. Dare I tell you why? Nah...
Maybe if you hit me up, I'll secretly whisper it into your email inbox :)

And this my fair lovelies, is our scenic view of Seattle from the ferry ride home. 
I <3 Seattle. I <3 the moon.
The City skyline is actually a bit blurry, but the moon and the clouds surrounding, were pretty incredible.

 OH AND MY LUNCH FROM YESTERDAY. Dang, I'm a smart cookie some days. *Be jealous!*
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 broccoli cheese soup <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

OH and I have to show you my hair today! Keep checking my twitter up on the top-left, to see a picture of my bangs later in the day. I'm getting a peek-e-boo blonde highlight under my bangs!! WOOT!
Here is me now:
I'll TWEET update you on the NEWEST, as soon as my hair is done!!! YAY FOR HAIR!
<3 <3 <3 <3
Everyone have a great weekend, I'll be at the Aquarium on Sunday! 
WOOT! Never been there before- will document!!
<3 Keep your eyes up!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Inside your heart, I see a small light
It's brilliant and shining, it's really just right.
There's books with folded pages
there's papers afloat.
I will write my heart's letter, I will speak to your soul.

Above just a whisper, your voice touches mine.
I will watch all the sunsets and smile for each line.
Each word tells your story, it's been writing so long.
There are bookmarks in places that you hope become songs.
The rhymes that I'm finding on the floor of this place,
are so fitting to keep such a look on my face.
You will worry, you will want, but you won't be without.
We will tread this harsh weather, whether in doubt.
A sunshine means we've made it this day
Another clear sky to help guide our untouched way.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Jeremy Larson. He is a musician, and he blogs too! And his girlfriend is a regular blogger, and owns an ADORABLE(stretch that out in your mind when you read it) store called RedVelvet. Anywho! They recently got engaged, and she blushed about the new song he wrote her, it's so cute. Here you can find clips of his new music coming soon! Click: Clips 2. And then his funny article regarding Kanye Twittering. lolzzzz See the right side of his blog, for her link: "Elise" under "Friends."

Hitler emoticons! Could there be funnier emoticons, that aren't dated from the AOL Era?? I think not.
I took these pictures at the post office yesterday. YEAH, maybe this. lol...

 They gave him a
Hitler-Stache. Wow.
That is all I have to say.

- I. Freaking. Must. Have. This. WANTONENOW! Gold Leather Dictionary! *gasp!*

- PILLOW TIE?! This deserves the ZOMG of the day! so fun.

That's all folks. Maybe a poem treat tomorrow? Doveface, you complete me!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

negative numbers in the opthamology field.

The week before last, I was taught about negative numbers regarding my contact prescription. And not by a doctor. And although I can't really remember(or find the text) that explains what they mean, I thought it was awfully nice to be told that my vision's not so bad after all. And that. is. what. I got. out. of. THAT.

Even though my doctor says that my eyes are shaped like footballs instead of 
basketballs(like they should be). 


That is all. :) Happy Tuesday, people! We're that much closer to zomgitsfriday!!!!! <3 you all!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh, The Splendor!! ZOMGITSFRIDAY!

Can you believe the year is MORE than half OVER? Yeah it's officially August.
Here are some Fashion Tips for August... warning: I don't have much advice, nor do I get paid for this...

#1. Remember the "No White Pants after Labor Day," rule? Yeah me neither. Fortunately it's still hot enough in late-September here in Seattle, to still wear hot-pants/shorts/skirts/you name it-that are white. I do it!
#2. DO. NOT. WEAR. WHITE. LEGGINGS. ALONE. (Back to the white thing eh, Red?) I saw this in the city the other day and granted, the girl had nice legs, but somehow it STILL wasn't flattering. Even the GUY walking next to me agreed.... So you know I'm not just being judgmental(ME?? Pffffff).

That's all! Yup, go wild! You know who gives GREAT fashion advice tho?? Bill Cosby. Yup. Check. These. Out: (I really do <3 Bill Cosby btw, I'm not making fun of him.)

YOU try rockin' that sweater.

Or this hat.

Now THATS a sweater I could get into. Honestly.

This made me smile, I don't know why. Photo: Doug Wilson/Corbis

Now THIS is what I call a Windows(tm) advertisement. Oh the glory. 



- Bex* 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Game on my own playground!

Ladies & Gents, please welcome a guest post by the
much acclaimed...Danny D. 


Conscious of the state within
as it ever changes as winter does foliage,
what's proposed as preposterous
is ever showing it's flow,
just as the silver lining does glow
as it illuminates the sky in clear contrast to the cool.
(my fave line succeedingly! ahh!)

Lights the way to those
who dare venture to the heart
that matters; themselves yes, their truest... form. 

Introspective- their detection
leads to the seed; selected, then
planted for harvest to be grown
or be left for dead, not touched...
not known, wilting and weeping,
away all on its own.

Singing the only song left,
a sad, sad psalm,
pleading for forgiveness
for the trouble caused
and the paradise lost.



Friday, August 06, 2010

Words I Over-Use & Words I Should Use More Often.

Words I Over-Use...

* Ridiculous (ex: "Ayy, that guy's mustache is ridiculous." ; "I have so many shoes, it's ridiculous.")
* Exaggerating (ex: "I'm NOT EXAGGERATING, the spider was as big as my hand!!!")
* Even (ex: "How much lettuce did they give you, even?!") Whether or not I use it properly, is none of your concern. Just remember that ;)
* Like (ex: "I don't think this like, even needs explained.")

Words I Should Use More Often...

* Preposterous! I don't believe you!
* Schmuck! Isn't it obvious how cool this word is? AND FOR THE RECORD, I started using this word a few times WAY before "Dinner for Schmucks" previews were out!
* Foul. I LOVE this word. It's so sassy and classy all at once.
* Logical. I feel like Spock when I say it. It hits the tongue nicely, don't you think?

And now I will leave you with a fantastic picture :)
Enjoy your weekend, Muffinheads! (hey! That's a good one...)

What are some words you need to start using, or stop abusing??

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Today the clouds have swept me away
their glowing facets of yellow and bronze
I turn my eyes to stare out of the shade
brilliance of the previous 6,000 dawns.

Have I seen more than half of my life's share today?
Or less, so you see the question I pose?
Keep writing and explaining the things in decay.
The fall or the jump, we keep begging to know.

Ungratefully steady, the world is a spin,
conscious of the state I am within.