
Friday, August 06, 2010

Words I Over-Use & Words I Should Use More Often.

Words I Over-Use...

* Ridiculous (ex: "Ayy, that guy's mustache is ridiculous." ; "I have so many shoes, it's ridiculous.")
* Exaggerating (ex: "I'm NOT EXAGGERATING, the spider was as big as my hand!!!")
* Even (ex: "How much lettuce did they give you, even?!") Whether or not I use it properly, is none of your concern. Just remember that ;)
* Like (ex: "I don't think this like, even needs explained.")

Words I Should Use More Often...

* Preposterous! I don't believe you!
* Schmuck! Isn't it obvious how cool this word is? AND FOR THE RECORD, I started using this word a few times WAY before "Dinner for Schmucks" previews were out!
* Foul. I LOVE this word. It's so sassy and classy all at once.
* Logical. I feel like Spock when I say it. It hits the tongue nicely, don't you think?

And now I will leave you with a fantastic picture :)
Enjoy your weekend, Muffinheads! (hey! That's a good one...)

What are some words you need to start using, or stop abusing??

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