
Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh, The Splendor!! ZOMGITSFRIDAY!

Can you believe the year is MORE than half OVER? Yeah it's officially August.
Here are some Fashion Tips for August... warning: I don't have much advice, nor do I get paid for this...

#1. Remember the "No White Pants after Labor Day," rule? Yeah me neither. Fortunately it's still hot enough in late-September here in Seattle, to still wear hot-pants/shorts/skirts/you name it-that are white. I do it!
#2. DO. NOT. WEAR. WHITE. LEGGINGS. ALONE. (Back to the white thing eh, Red?) I saw this in the city the other day and granted, the girl had nice legs, but somehow it STILL wasn't flattering. Even the GUY walking next to me agreed.... So you know I'm not just being judgmental(ME?? Pffffff).

That's all! Yup, go wild! You know who gives GREAT fashion advice tho?? Bill Cosby. Yup. Check. These. Out: (I really do <3 Bill Cosby btw, I'm not making fun of him.)

YOU try rockin' that sweater.

Or this hat.

Now THATS a sweater I could get into. Honestly.

This made me smile, I don't know why. Photo: Doug Wilson/Corbis

Now THIS is what I call a Windows(tm) advertisement. Oh the glory. 



- Bex* 

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