
Friday, July 30, 2010

Poetism...for your Friday palate.

Yellows and orange and forbidden red.
I mix colors for hue, while you sleep in your bed.
I spilled, yes I splattered- you didn't even see me
but you heard and wanted to get back at me.

I am clean! I am spotless! but that is not enough.
You were messier one time, your paddle was rough.
So the only fair thing, as far as your sight goes
Is to scream, and to yell, so that everyone knows.
Because even as silent as your spanking received
Your bitterness is boiling- steam clearly seethes.
I can't paint your picture to be sunny or bright
It's already turned in and has already dried.

So please do not steal or make fun of my paint
or point out the old colors, that's fading to stain
I've not done that to you- or treated you unkind
I'm turning my own picture in- I'll be graded for mine.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

thursday peek-a-boo

I imagine I am stronger
in the more testing of times
I stand like a rock where others take many
I cannot explain the strength it takes
to make my eyes show tears of weakness.

I crumble a little inside to hear
The steadfast strength of my little fear...
Will you fear to be with me, or
Will you confide in my secrecy?

The pavement is wet with today's light rain
glistening the city's season, or stains.
My night is intriguing, or whatever.
I'm staring down the dial as hard as a feather...

Sensitive to each passing glow
I can't tell you my secret-
good thing  you already know.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Dedication. (Tuesday Treat)

photo credits: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
#5 is my favorite pic. 
Also I would like to thank my friend Marino(HOLLA!) and fellow writer, for 
the inspiration to post this very bias blog post today :) Teamwork makes magic!! Woot!
Enjoy your week, kittens. Keep that smile upright, this week might get rough.
<3 Red.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Relationship Lessons I Learned from Destiny's Child

Photo Credit
- Do not let a triflin' scrub use your cell phone.
- Do not allow said scrub to borrow your car, unless he agrees by written contract to refill the gas tank when he returns it.
- Call AOL to have them cut off your email(obviously, duh) if your Inbox is full after 20 minutes.
- If he buys you shoes, forget that it happened. Hide them.
- Make it clear that he must ALWAYS address you by your full name, followed by "babbyyyy."
- You gon' make it(WHAT?), You gon' work harder(WHAT?!), You gon' be stronger(WHAT?!)

Hope these were as helpful to you as they have been to me!!

Keep on survivin'. What's that you say? You'd like a crumpet with your tea? Sorry, we only serve playa-hata juice here.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

presenting... poetism.

As I get older and wiser with worry
I lessen my drama with words that I bury,
those syllables quick with anger have passed
chosen are letters that cannot be read fast.

The writing as well, is more narrow and tall.
Often pooling together; a lyrical fall.
I seek & I pause, for the idea to collect,
it's a trap for the moment in time, that I set.

With love, I arrange my paper and pen.
Oh the memory I have of third grade again;
practicing letters: the capital, lowers, the curved and the straight.
The forms, the plurals, over and over, small and great.

We'd summarize a tale, that someone wrote just to write
doesn't matter whether fiction or in real life.
But I have given up on weary, tired things today...
I'm ready to put sweet literary away.

So Goodnight to the countless words for the stars,
the color possibilities from cities afar,
Sleep well and Adieu; pull down the wood shades.
I'm sleepy, feels forever, I've got 'tired' in spades.

Friday, July 16, 2010

ZOMGitsfriday!! Doveface! Come and GET IT.

umm...ANNOUNCEMENT: I hate sports, BUT I love soccer. So here. Soccer Players galore!!
I'm not partial to any ONE team. Guess why? HA. I love the last one. You all played great this year, boys!!
Don't act like you're not entertained...

Funny Art. Have you seen this website? Awkward Family Pet Photos. Dude. Seriously wait til you get to page 5- and DO treat yourself to page 5. For the record, this one takes the cake. Look at crazy-eyes there! And I don't mean the dog.
Art(being as versatile as it is) can be beautiful, meaningless, completely confusing, and awfully... well awful. So enjoy.
When was the last time you saw one of these dinosaurs?
When was the last time you sewed something completely AMAZING like this dress?
-"But, she is so cute," you say!? "She can get away with wearing anything??" Not so. See here. No one should wear those shoes. Even if they DO match. Which they don't.
Oh you think the over-sized dress/shirt/official-frump-wear was the worst part of that picture? You're right.

    I just got off the phone with my grandma. As many of you(may or may not) know, I am running(read: jogging) in a simple 5K run tomorrow. It's called a "Fun Run!" I guess to make it seem less painful...?
    Well, Tuesday I was jogging my little heart out on the track, and when all was over(plus minor victory dance, for completing 3 miles non-stop for the first time EVARRR,) I felt a twinge of uncomfy-ness in my right quad(muscle above the knee) and figured it was just really tight, so I stretched, and I stretched, and stretched a little more. It turns out, I couldn't really walk like a normal human being the next morning. I had officially strained it. And my grandma noticed. She keeps telling me that she may not "let" me run... ;) heehee ... if I'm not completely healed by Saturday. Well, today is ZOMGITSFRIDAY, and by golly I've been resting since Wednesday night. And by George!! It feels better! Not completely 100% turned around, but it's feeling pretty secure.
    Meaning, I can walk upright now. So I should be golden by tomorrow morning, yes?? =/

I better be. I have a lot of fans that will be there. Ahahahahahaha....

Friday, July 09, 2010

ZOMGitsfriday!! :)

Me too, I can barely sit still!!

Ok so no making fun of me, but I watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure the other night. Alone. "HA-HA!" Dude, its a classic, get over it.

But I found this picture on the interwebz this week. Entertaining YES! Photo Credit!
HA I just laughed at myself, cause I typed an "x" instead of a "z" just now, and it reminded me of that one time I said "X, as in Zebra!" over the phone at work. Haha, somedays my brain does hurt, yes... how did you know??

    SO DOVEFACE. I wanted to talk to you about Endurance. It happens to be a VERB, which implies ACTION. Are you listening to me?? defines it as: "to hold out against; sustain without impairment or yielding; undergo." I am training for a RACE. Yes the kind you actively do like... cardio... in. I'm not jogging(HA! Run? Right.) in it to actually try and win or anything, but I AM in it to endure. The entire length of the run I'm participating in, is a 5K which is 3.1 Miles- here in the Good 'Ole U.S of A. AND BOY OH BOY, its been HOT the last couple days. We're talking 91 degrees with slight humidity from rain we had a few nights previous. DUDE this is Washington. I don't want to toot anyone's horn but my own... BUT I have to admit, we've had a couple days of rain this year(granted: one day blends into the next, when the rain gets going; a month could seem like a few days. Just bare with). BACK TO ENDURANCE, ya topic-drifter!!
     My point is this. Life is tough. Its promised to be. If you don't BUCK UP & keep that smile on your face, you're gonna try & whine about someone else ruining things for you. And you know what?? Its probably your own fault.
    So my advice to people that I care about, is this. 
* When you get cut off in traffic, just politely wave & yell "You're welcome!" (remember that smile!)
* When you splatter coffee on white jeans, BLOT-DON'T-RUB. WITH HOT WATER! 1st a wet towel. Then a dry one.
* When a loved one is sick, keep them positive, keep them laughing, keep them smiling. They'll appreciate the mood-lifter.
* When your dog runs off, don't panic. Don't scream at someone else for leaving the door open. Just go out with treats & a flashlight, & clap/whistle/whatever. Call them w/an inviting tone that soothes them to come back to you. As a matter of fact, use a calm tone with everyone that you need back into your life...
* Apologize to people. For being in the way, for mumbling a question, for being late, for being too early EVEN! You should mean it, tho. Empty words echo. People can hear empty sentences bang and shiver on the floor like metal mixing bowls on tile. I. am. not. kidding.

(side note for ZOMG: cinnamon buns ZOMG, pecan pie ZOMG, New Zealand sunsets ZOMG (talk about earth meets sky), Old Books!! ZOMG.) I love these things. Too bad I don't have a SINGLE one!! >: (

My point here? Jay-kay happyface! You get the point. So here's an idea: Email me! What do you do when you're down? Do you have any good pick-me-up's? Or Do you have any questions you'd like answered, practically? 
I'm good at practical :) 
I'm also good at listening. Believe it or not :)
Must sleep now kittens. Leave your feedback. And maybe next time I'll bring crackers & cheese. You know I am a vegetarian. WHAT?! You didn't? hmm... That's for next Friday, then!
xoxo sleep tight.
<3 BEX*

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

yesterday. zombie nights

I should be horizontal
I should be about 2 hours into R.E.M.
But my mind won't stop,
    visualizing changes
    predicting the flutter of dust in the air:
You name it, my brain's creating a project.

Come 7:30 and I'll be
steadfastly dedicated to
hitting 'dismiss' on my alarm.
And too, I must flip on the light
now to see what I'm writing.

To spill currency in foreign
To search giant dominoes on ebay.
To decide it's imaginable
that I can run 3 miles
without pausing.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Thursday, July 01, 2010


Hey All!
    I've had a burst of things that I've wanted to post this week, but if I let them all out of their metaphorical cages at once, I'd be all out of ish by next week!! Then there would be a bad dry spell, and you guys would have nothing but run-on sentences to try and pick through, and THEN you'd be mad at me and never come back to my site ever, (n)ever, ever again....and that would make me sad (emphatic period.).

    THIS BLOG(not mine, I'm about to tell you, silly!)... makes me happy. I really personally feel that you would do well, to invest a few minutes of your (ZOMG ITS FRIDAY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, JUST READ IT!)day into reading this post. I LOVE the lists they come up with. Often, they have the power to insert a sunshine-filled, gut-bustin' few minutes into my grayest hour. To which, I couldn't be more thankful. This one is cute. I like #2 the most. Mostly because I love love LOVE kids, but there are some who you just want to... say nice things to?

 =/ ok so maybe-not-so-nice-things.

I've recently subjected myself to twitter. SO FOLLOW ME, KITTENS! Ewww... I don't like to be self-promoting, unless I'm buying shoes(and I WILL ask 3 people within a 3-foot perimeter if the heel compliments or accentuates my cankles, when alone); in THAT case, no one pleading: "Ehh, they're a little gaudy," can deter me from making possibly a bad decision.
HEY. If I make a bad shoe-buying decision, I'll take them back by my own free-willing, ALRIGHT? :)
...Glad we're clear. That being said, you should follow me, so you can share in my shoe-shopping experiences from now on, and when I upload a twit-pic(whatever that means) with a shoe-approval request... well then, I'll have someone to talk to other than strangers. And what a happy camper I would be!! :)

You hear that? You hold the power in your own little fingertips, to make me squeal. This is how I imagine you all, sitting there in front of your laptop, reading my nonsense(Heaven forbid you own a Mac!!! *cringe*)...
HA! Aren't they sweet?! I only like pictures of cats, they don't really do anything for me in real life. No offense to you cat owners, I just personally don't get along with the little fur-heads. So anyway, this is you. :)

Not that pictures-of-you are better than you-in-person... I just...imagine you...being attentive like this. Get off my back, I'm allowed to be politically incorrect! heeeheeeee You see that "CC" at the bottom?? Yeah, thats what I thought.

This website is funny. Not "Ha-Ha that's a really funny racist joke, cause it doesn't diss the culture, or imply that all of them are slobs, or bad drivers, or wear their lederhosen to all occasions." AHEM, ok maybe just to Oktoberfest, but same diff if you are an alcoholic, right? Then ALL year is Oktoberfest! haha... But its just cute for the sake of hearing old songs you don't hear anywhere else except in drugstores.... Well... if you don't find that somewhat entertaining, then don't clicky-click :) That's your choice, Kitten.

Ok this was a long post. I must be into bed now. Hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend, I will not be posting(ok maybe tweeting *chirp chirp*) all weekend... so stay amazing!! And come back!! :)
