
Friday, July 30, 2010

Poetism...for your Friday palate.

Yellows and orange and forbidden red.
I mix colors for hue, while you sleep in your bed.
I spilled, yes I splattered- you didn't even see me
but you heard and wanted to get back at me.

I am clean! I am spotless! but that is not enough.
You were messier one time, your paddle was rough.
So the only fair thing, as far as your sight goes
Is to scream, and to yell, so that everyone knows.
Because even as silent as your spanking received
Your bitterness is boiling- steam clearly seethes.
I can't paint your picture to be sunny or bright
It's already turned in and has already dried.

So please do not steal or make fun of my paint
or point out the old colors, that's fading to stain
I've not done that to you- or treated you unkind
I'm turning my own picture in- I'll be graded for mine.

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