
Friday, July 23, 2010

Relationship Lessons I Learned from Destiny's Child

Photo Credit
- Do not let a triflin' scrub use your cell phone.
- Do not allow said scrub to borrow your car, unless he agrees by written contract to refill the gas tank when he returns it.
- Call AOL to have them cut off your email(obviously, duh) if your Inbox is full after 20 minutes.
- If he buys you shoes, forget that it happened. Hide them.
- Make it clear that he must ALWAYS address you by your full name, followed by "babbyyyy."
- You gon' make it(WHAT?), You gon' work harder(WHAT?!), You gon' be stronger(WHAT?!)

Hope these were as helpful to you as they have been to me!!

Keep on survivin'. What's that you say? You'd like a crumpet with your tea? Sorry, we only serve playa-hata juice here.

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