
Thursday, July 01, 2010


Hey All!
    I've had a burst of things that I've wanted to post this week, but if I let them all out of their metaphorical cages at once, I'd be all out of ish by next week!! Then there would be a bad dry spell, and you guys would have nothing but run-on sentences to try and pick through, and THEN you'd be mad at me and never come back to my site ever, (n)ever, ever again....and that would make me sad (emphatic period.).

    THIS BLOG(not mine, I'm about to tell you, silly!)... makes me happy. I really personally feel that you would do well, to invest a few minutes of your (ZOMG ITS FRIDAY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, JUST READ IT!)day into reading this post. I LOVE the lists they come up with. Often, they have the power to insert a sunshine-filled, gut-bustin' few minutes into my grayest hour. To which, I couldn't be more thankful. This one is cute. I like #2 the most. Mostly because I love love LOVE kids, but there are some who you just want to... say nice things to?

 =/ ok so maybe-not-so-nice-things.

I've recently subjected myself to twitter. SO FOLLOW ME, KITTENS! Ewww... I don't like to be self-promoting, unless I'm buying shoes(and I WILL ask 3 people within a 3-foot perimeter if the heel compliments or accentuates my cankles, when alone); in THAT case, no one pleading: "Ehh, they're a little gaudy," can deter me from making possibly a bad decision.
HEY. If I make a bad shoe-buying decision, I'll take them back by my own free-willing, ALRIGHT? :)
...Glad we're clear. That being said, you should follow me, so you can share in my shoe-shopping experiences from now on, and when I upload a twit-pic(whatever that means) with a shoe-approval request... well then, I'll have someone to talk to other than strangers. And what a happy camper I would be!! :)

You hear that? You hold the power in your own little fingertips, to make me squeal. This is how I imagine you all, sitting there in front of your laptop, reading my nonsense(Heaven forbid you own a Mac!!! *cringe*)...
HA! Aren't they sweet?! I only like pictures of cats, they don't really do anything for me in real life. No offense to you cat owners, I just personally don't get along with the little fur-heads. So anyway, this is you. :)

Not that pictures-of-you are better than you-in-person... I just...imagine you...being attentive like this. Get off my back, I'm allowed to be politically incorrect! heeeheeeee You see that "CC" at the bottom?? Yeah, thats what I thought.

This website is funny. Not "Ha-Ha that's a really funny racist joke, cause it doesn't diss the culture, or imply that all of them are slobs, or bad drivers, or wear their lederhosen to all occasions." AHEM, ok maybe just to Oktoberfest, but same diff if you are an alcoholic, right? Then ALL year is Oktoberfest! haha... But its just cute for the sake of hearing old songs you don't hear anywhere else except in drugstores.... Well... if you don't find that somewhat entertaining, then don't clicky-click :) That's your choice, Kitten.

Ok this was a long post. I must be into bed now. Hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend, I will not be posting(ok maybe tweeting *chirp chirp*) all weekend... so stay amazing!! And come back!! :)


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