
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Paper

I enjoy typing. But more than typing, I enjoy w-r-i-t-i-n-g.
....Do any of you remember what that looks like?

I got a new notebook yesterday, for school... but I of course, had to christen the first page with a little doodle.

What'd you do, on your scary Monday?

Monday's don't seem so bad to me now that I have school again... I know that sounds backwards, but it's only because Monday class is simply an hour of taking notes on a Power Point presentation that my "teacher" talks over. Basically, he could email them to us, and I could sleep in more... :P Just a suggestion.

Anyway, back to my normal font size...This last week was a long one, for me. Lots of helping friends(not bad, just emotionally-demanding...) with issues, lots of waiting and waiting and WAITING for the right thing to come along :] Lots of travel; which automatically makes me ready for bed x) The actual traveling part is exciting, but when I'm done, I realize my body needs a rest(don't gotta tell ME twice).

This weekend, I am off to Seattle to finish my big 50 hours of volunteer-work for the month, and to meet lots of new people! I can't wait! It will be rewarding and fulfilling and I can't wait to have some sushi with no seafood in it. I know, I'm weird ;)

Be safe, loves. Travel responsibly, and be honest with your best friend when he/she asks: "Grrrrl, you think mah butt gettin' BIG??"

<3, bex.

ps. I got acupuncture today and it wasn't half bad. See? I'm still alive :)
I said, Good day to YOU!!!

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