
Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday: you sweet, sweet melody I sing for all week.

Hallelujah. Literally :)
Friday has come, and Friday will go, but now here you are, so listen up YO!

"Firepits are where the BEST memories are made." -C.

True, yeah? Yup. Glad we agree. Last Sunday my dad mowed the lawn. And the sun was peeking around the corner, so I hauled the troops in for a small-within-city-limits-approved-bonfire. Here's the whole scoop. I can't START a fire, but once it's alive, I totally rock at keeping it burning. Also, Jessica said I could "make it in North Dakota" because I can chop a log into kindling. THAT'S WHATS UP.

Step 1. Jessica(green) gets the fire going.
Then Shelby(pink) gives him a mustache.
Personally, I think it's proportionate to his giant stature.
Step 2. Shelby claims the fire-pit as her own. 
Much like how you claim your own food in the work-place refrigerator.

Step 3. Chop more wood to keep the fire burning.
And as I was the 'photog' for the evening, no one got a shot of ME ch-ch-choppin' it up. But here is an excellent action shot of Jessica with a nice swing.

I did however,  gather a rather dashing picture of my sweet pink Keds,
after I tore up a couple logs.
...wait that sounds bad....
I think they deserve a little spotlight.
Then Patrick hit a homerun, with a pinecone. His talent is beyond me.

 See his lanyard? It's purple. Kiss that, Justin Beiber!
Oh that reminds me, I heard randomly that little J.B. got beat up by a 'fan'?
Anyone hear anything about this? Yeah me neither.... well..barely.

Back to my story - I'm easily distracted- Shelby had a rough time with her first marshmallow...

What you see here folks, is mellow, marshed all over her hand. I can't even fathom how you get that marshmallow goo all over the TOP of your fingers. The right pic is the marshmallow goo ON HER EYELASH. She had a rough evening, lets just say. At least no one lost an eyeball.

We managed to live thru it all.

Have a safe weekend! Live up those fire-pit moments, and holler
if you need me to chop any wood for ya.
I was killin' it.

<3 much, bex

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