
Friday, April 22, 2011

Attention, Starbucks!

Excuse me, Starbucks. 
I don't recall giving you permission to 
change your logo.

If this is some sort of rebellion, I'll understand. I mean... there are thousands of  independent java huts around this peninsula, who don't consistently burn our espresso shots. 
So I get that.

But I think this is a little overboard. It looks to me, like you're trying to DUMB us down.

I don't know about you, but most coffee-addicts including myself, can READ.
You don't need to remove the WORDING.
I'm almost offended.
No, you know what? I AM offended.

Below, see this logo in the background?
I'm gonna miss it.

RIP Starbucks' Authenticity....
'Cause remember THIS one? It'was my fave.
Is that wrong of me? It's a tad ....
well she's nakie, sure. But she's the original!!

Oh well, as with everything else looking streamlined, I guess they 
would have ripped my heart to shreds ONE of these days. 
Not that I'm super obsessed with their coffee ANYway, but it might have been nice if they'd asked my opinion, first.

Tomorrow I'll be in the great Emerald City ALL day and you don't even know how excited I am.

GUYS! Have a fantastic weekend, 'cause you've earned it. This week was a little rough, AMIRITE?!

Talk with you soon chikadee's. 
<3 bex...

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