
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


(Sorry about the delay for Tuesday's post! It's been one helluva week! Bare with me!!)
Hi Tuesday Kids :)

Yesterday while I was STILL having Jeep issues, my blog-swap package came!
Can you say EXCITEMENT?!
FedEx! Came! To! My! House!
Which means, in a sense, that my new friend Amanda from the Casa Brasi Blog was sending a little piece of
her character to spread around me :}
That she did! Meet Amanda, friends. Walk your finger clicking over to her site ^ and take in the beautiful design work she does! Some of the changes she can make to one single room, blow me away!

Now, this challenged me.
Truly, a secure seal, when pressed firmly.
Who knew?

 Inside the soft tissue paper(and ADORABLE striped knit-string)
were goodies I've been needing!!
A perfect-sized picture frame, in a brushed gold that matches
my room decor to-the-perfection ;)

My room consists of light blues, dark blues, dark brown,
white & gold tones as compliments. 
This will be perfect on my dresser- which is dark brown.
THEN there are the gloves. Oh. Em. Gee.
The COLORS! The thickness!! Not your average knitted gloves! They are heavy :D 

And THREE pairs of these babies! *swoon*
Thank you Amanda, thank you sooooooooooooo much. 
And thank you also to the sponsors & terrific coordinators of this
blogger-connection opportunity:
 much love, illy & Sandy a la mode. (<-- check them out!!)
I couldn't have been given a better swap partner!
But wait- there's MORE :} Ohhhhh YEEEAAAHHHH!
This woman knows the secret to my heart!!
Yes, I am talking about coffee.
THAT'S A GIFT CARD PEOPLE!!!!!!! Did she hit the nail on the head, or what? 
I'm telling ya, Amanda has either been reading my blog thoroughly... or talking 
to someone who knows me personally. Her next delight, came in the form of (gasp!) PAPER.

OKAY who told her that Office Depot is my favorite place to shop? 
The high walls of paper just whisper sweet things to me as I walk thru the 
automatic doors. The aisle of Sharpies and highlighters and pens put the technicolor 
rainbows into my life. And lastly, when I breach the notebook threshold, chorus after 
chorus of heavenly voices sing praises to the trees for providing such a beautiful creature!

And of course my Almighty God provided the trees :)
But I don't think Office Depot is aware of that.
I'm floored.
Look at the adorable PEN, too. I didn't realize it was a pen until I was 
playing with the eraser, about to try it out, and all of a sudden a pen tip popped outta nowhere!! 

I can't WAIT to use these! Now all I need is a special occasion... hmmm.
So now that I've shared my lovely gifts with you, what's on your list of things to do this week? You should definitely read up on Amanda's Interior Design Ideas and completed works.
She's fantastic. And it's practical as well! I love seeing her newest updates.
Keep looking for Friday, folks! It'll be here in no time :)
Love you, muffins.
xox bexxxxxxx


  1. So glad you got everything!! So excited that you like it!!

  2. SOOOOOO love it all :) I will be able to use everything!!! Thanks again :D

    I'm getting inspired by your blog, to re-use some old frames, etc... and put my own artwork in them :)
    YAY! Have a great day :D <3me.
