
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Well HI :] Hey, there's a newcomer in the crowd- everyone say "HI!"

Okay, back to business....You know, as well as I do.. that summer is a busy, busy time. I am not about to spend all my waking S.P.A.R.E.(queue "quote" fingers) time staring at the computer(my job requires this also)... altho I wish I had the attention span for it! :)

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt?? You say...?

WHY YES, I DO have a life :] (teehee silly you)

I know, hard to fathom.
But, you deserve some treats. You have waited oh-so-delightfully-patient, like a good dove, and your reward will not be in vain! I have some stocked up pictures that I'm saving for a few story-time-days... You know, when it's gray outside... and you have nothing else to do.... fall back on my picture-stories :)

You guys know that internet meme regarding the "Dos Equis Beer Guy"....?
I did one :}
"I don't always drink tea, but when I do... I wear a cape."

I TOLD you you'd be rewarded ;) Feel free to mock. You know it's great.
Happy Tuesday. 

<3 bex...

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