
Monday, July 25, 2011

old habits - shall die young

Just like last time,
you're all that's on my mind.
Even when you're not.

At thoughts of your long-lost charm
I can't strengthen my weak breath...

or stop the curl at the edge of my mouth...
it's like,
holding onto hating you is
all I feel I have left.

So next time I cross your mind
will your heart skip a single, unnoticed beat?
Will you accidentally forget a name, in the middle of your speech?
Or will you push me even further aside...
Until you spring clean and throw me away?

Here I find myself again,
writing these words that don't matter - to you.
writing on lines that don't care - about you.
writing about someone who doesn't care - about me.

I think it's time I was done with you.

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