
Friday, July 01, 2011

Friday Feature

Ok, here's the plan. (You all read this post on Tuesday, yes?)
Good, keep this tab open :) 

And right click HERE. Choose "Open in new tab."
The song should start automatically after it loads, be patient!

And read Tuesdays post again... while letting the other tab play.

And then tell me if you feel what I wrote. This is obviously a little different than usual.
But I don't often write with the instrumentals of anything playing in my head, so.... 
Just testing the waters here.

It's by Bitcrush: "Falling Inward" <-- FYI, it's a little tricky to find on Youtube...  I wish you happy searching, if the link doesn't play thru completely. Give me a heads up if it won't cooperate for you & I'll email you the song :)

Here's the rest of the plan(in case you were wondering):

But umm, since this weekend is the Nation's "Freedom Celebration," be sure to use caution(wear goggles, and gloves too!) when driving thru neighborhoods full of rambunctious children. You know who I'm talking about- the kids/parents/pyromaniac's setting off their fireworks in the middle of the ROAD. 
I just wanna yell: "Hello! Responsible adult with business to take care of, COMING THRU!"

*shakes head*
I know none of you darlings would ever be caught lighting your 
neighborhoods on fire, or blowing off an arm accidentally. Ahem, Correct????...???!!

That's what I thought :)
Be safe, please.
<3, bex

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