
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Weekend Re-cap

Wow. This weekend! Blew by, like a gust through my breezeway(o_O), but it was productive!

Firstly, Friday I saw a sight I'll probably never witness again. Too funny, NOT to get a picture(or two) this. Get a load of that!! That's aluminum foil, underneath Saran-Wrap. That would be a pain to get off, I'm sure. Severely unfortunate.

Secondly, Target(where I snapped the aluminum car) was having a sale on a few accordion file folders, so ... being tax-season and all, I'll have all my junk out to go thru anyway right? Right. So I bought a fresh one, and consolidated all my old papers into the new arrangement. Voila!
Cute, huh? :)
Hello, taupe. You look mighty fine.
HOORAY for organizing.
Then I did massive piles of laundry. Then I FOLDED massive piles of laundry. Then I changed my sheets. YESSSSSS. Is there nothing better!?
Than FRESH sheets?!
Yeah, that's 3 pillows for 1 me.
ONE new FIRM pillow, that I also got at Target last Tuesday(?), has significantly changed my sleep quality, tho- I cannot rave about my good sleep enough. It's not even an expensive one, just like $9 or something. Change your life dramatically, shop the Target brand pillows ;)

And my dog Maverick winked at me.

Spoiled rotten dog, on the leather chair. I told my parents that they have absolutely ruined him! haha
But how precious is he? :) love.

One more thing before I go..... I've been dabbling with Watercolor(watchoutNOWW!!)

You likey??
I haven't decided when I should start doing this for real, but I enjoyed myself just playing around.
Bam! Love you, munchkins. Be safe :)
Stay healthy. 'Til Friday, loves!!
xoxoxo bex

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