
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I like funny things.

I like this...

Excel Batman... Batman always excels... just throwin' that out there...

Hello-funniest-video-I've-seen-all-week! (big foot caught on tape!)

I was at Azteca(@$$teca??) this last Friday, and this was the 
bathroom stall-door decoration. Cute? I think so.

This is just too funny, in an unrealistic-take-it-with-a-grain-of-salt type way...
Praxis and I have an ongoing joke of ways to get out of the "friend-zone"... 
A laugh was shared.

Also, I've been sick this week, since last Wednesday(thank you, co-worker)... and this is what I saved from an iced-tea-run to gauge my constant massive water-intake. This is a 'venti' size, I think that means 22 oz? 26? I need to be drinking about 6 of these a day... (that equals a lot of potty trips...)
Anywho. One last thing to make you "aww" is this...
Awwww... Tiny pinecone. And my hands are small anyway- so that says something!
It's Tuesday. May it melt all your Monday troubles away!

xox, bex.

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