
Friday, February 18, 2011

Gym'n-It-Cricket! PART 1

Scene: bored at the gym(keep reading) jogging monotonously, staring out the ceiling-height windows onto a dark city, with a few sparks of life speeding around the freeways in the distance. Ok, I guess I'll keep my focus closer so I don't trip(again) and fall to my treadmill-conveyor-belt-induced-burn-on-the-face-death.

Me to myself(use your typical 'idiot' voice): "Hmm, there is a TV... I think I will let my mind wander, and get distracted by whatever's there." I am baffled by the crap TV show, 'Jersey Shore' that someone had left on. BAFFLED, guys.

Anyone else agree with me? I mean... they are obviously putting on a nice dramatic 'reality-tv" scharade for VH1's amusement, but really? Pure gross. Anyway, it got me to thinking of what kinds of other schmucks(hey I'm vividly aware that I'm the biggest schmuck in there) I am 'gym-ing it' with. I looked around to find 'Jersey Shore' type-esque gals, and didn't have to look long(I'd say far, but the gym is small). Granted this girl already had the natural tan down, but she broke my #1 rule of life... Leggings do NOT double as pants. Even if your legs are perfect. Shhh, there's no jealousy here, you're imagining that. YES, YOU ARE.

Found another Ginger. Now she's actually a human being, and by that I mean she acknowledges other people's presence. She usually waves at me when we catch glances at each other(or maybe it's just that we share a hair color??) across the gym-fodder, or if we bump into each other in the bathroom. Not much else to say about her tho, cause she doesn't give off any certain stereotype, except that she works her butt off on that stair-stepper(my arch enemy). My  admiration for her continued conquering of that machine = ever growing. I just don't have "it" in me for everyday use. Moving on...

The 50-year-old-woman. You don't know her. She keeps to herself, working out quietly with -sometimes without- her husband. He's quiet too. He doesn't do much, but poor thing is already skinny. He tries to stay out of the way and let his woman do her thing, while giving her support & encouragement. Every woman's mid-life dream :)

The 60-year-old-woman. You all know her. She waves. She sweats profusely. She is there all alone, kicking elliptical derrière!! And not to mention those dumb-bells! Grandma is on FIRE! Literally, someone make her stop- I see smoke trailing off her heels!!

The All-Arms Guy(thanks to You-Know-Who-You-Are, for the idea!). He curls, he curls and then he curls some more. He uses the free weights; he uses the tricep machine; he uses the floor for his personal push-up station; and then he's on the bar for pull-ups galore. Why isn't he working on that booty?? Just sayin...

.....To be Continued. :) Enjoy your weekend, loves.


  1. Every time you watch Jersey Shore, a book commits suicide.

  2. hahahaha!!! Agreed.
