
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What an Animal!

Meet Maverick.
My puppy. Okay so he's not a young pup anymore.
Going on 8 years! WOW. I gave the poor mutt a bath over the weekend and MAN-oh-man. He hated me severely for a good hour.

But all is well in his world now, and he smells good again ;)
My apologies to my friends who have been over and had to endure his stink; you can come back now!!
 He wouldn't even look at me. So stripped of his dignity and so full of hatred.
I may or may not have let him on the couch. Do you blame me? I didn't want him to be upset with me any longer :) And good news! We're friends again.

I must go back to cleaning hair off the walls and ceiling, of the bathroom, now...
Have a good Tuesday!
email me, ya crazy kids :)

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