I am so close to posting my 200th blab of nonsense(read:perfection), you can almost smell the cupcakes of celebration about to burn!! Can't you?! HA just kidding, I would NEVER burn a cupcake. Cruelty upon all levels.
As I was browsing my Google Reader(which was quite dusty) that I haven't been very loyal to, I curious'ed myself into clicking a picture one of my favorite bloggers had posted of a living room with globes as decor... Oh, what's that? You'd like to see?
[Here you go, sweet child]
How FUN, RIGHT? I'll be sad if you hate them.
I'm NOT a huge fan of the couch or pillows(or the rug =/), just the tastefully organized shelves of color-coordinated-delight and the GLORY GLOBES of all variety...
The wall paint is nice too. Anyway...
My POINT IS as follows: Today I realized something very important.
A few weeks ago, I was in a vintage store and a Bother(name is irrelevant)
questioned my love for globes, in a devaluing-way to my opinion,
and at the moment I didn't have a specific response of WHY.
Well of course, I am not one to change my mind for the
cause of "Peer Pressure" (bah! what a filthy phrase), so I continued to love globes.
Upon seeing this picture, it sparked my memory of this conversation
and I re-visited what I should-have-could-have said.
Happily, in my brainthoughts, I replied:
"It's my home! I like to hold it and look at it
All of a sudden, my brain was giddy and it made perfect sense.
I like to know where I am,
that's why I get discontent when I can sense that I'm not wanted
and unhappy and mentally exhausted when I am not "home" with the situation.
You know that warm, home-feeling, when things are easy and make-sense?
No matter where you are. Even if you're away from your element,
having someone or someTHING that makes sense
on-your-mind is comfort enough for the little-while-that-you're-away.
Globes aren't necessarily "home," in such a deep meaning, but they sure are cute.
I think old ones are neat to decorate with,
plus they're slightly educational and
interesting as they've changed over the years,
and come in all sorts of fun colors!
Here's some wins; pass them out, there's enough to go around.
I just embraced a little more of myself today :]
So kiss off, schmucks who
question my globe-love!
*Flexes arms and growl face*
grrr! >:D
(you have to imagine-in the scrunch over my nose!)
Sorry it's been so long, I've been busy managing life,
but I'm not abandoning all my kittenfaces. Miss you!
Please take care :)
xox, Bex.
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