
Friday, May 06, 2011

An hour by the sea...

December was quite chillin'. And by "chillin'" I mean I froze my arsenal off most days... it keeps coming back tho, so... your guess is as good as mine on that. ANYWAY. Being the dummy explorer that I am, I conned a couple of my besties into coming to the Northern Land of Port Angeles with me, to run a couple errands.

While we were up there in Antarctica, we went to the ocean. YEAH. We went to the ocean. Let me tell you something... It. Was. Cold. And guess what I wore? A wool sweater. YEAH. I'm not sounding too intelligent here, so I'll just shush myself, and show you the shots. It was crisply beautiful. The pics don't relay that tho, just pretend it's magnificent. mmkay? mmkay.

Highlights: Kid, taught my cousin Adam(also one of my besties) how to skip a stone. In the ocean spray, which was about 25 degrees Fahr(-eezing!!)enheit, we stood like brave Seagulls, enduring the howling Canadian winds. I though, being a woman... gathered my few smarts that hadn't frozen over, walked across the jetty to the non-windy side, and took a couple snapshots which I cannot find anywhere right now(sorry, dolls. That's how rough it is in these streets). I apologize for the crappy picture quality... I honestly can't explain what happened... Just read on...
"Now, LISTEN Son. This is how you skip a rock."
"Use this arm. Pull back, throw, and don't lose your balance!"
"Eeeaasssy now..."
- "Like, THIS dad?!"
- "Yes. Whoa now, watch your step."
"Here GOES!"
- "Where'd it go, dad?"
"Let me show you how it's done, son."
"I'm walking away now, you've embarrassed me enough." 
- This was the part of the trip when I got bright green moss stains all over my
light-wash jeans. Yeah, that was my favorite. -
Then, Kid pronounced this land "COLD."
But I could barely hear him 'cause I was heading back to the car...
Goodbye car! Adam sold you a few weeks ago. I'm glad I got to reminisce over our good times.
*le sigh*

Have a safe week!! :)
Adventures, even the bleakest(see above), can be fun when you've got the right attitude. 
So as Benny Goodman says: 
"You've got to laugh a little, cry a little,
until the clouds roll by a little."

xox, bex

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