
Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday = Fabulous

Guys, JUST yesterday was/felt like Tuesday, and I had forgotten to post my Tuesday Treat, so you found it lying around somewhere on Wednesday's plate. Weird, huh(as if my forgetfulness is abnormal)?
[So, think of it this way... if I had a pet turtle, and I forgot to feed it Tuesday, he'd have to wait 'til Wednesday(oh wait, I DO have a turtle! That means..uh oh) to eat and that's just not fair! ] 
oops. Poor Miguel.
Well, here it is: Friday. And it feels like a blur already. It is a GREAT day tho, because:
1.) my hair is rockin'.
2.) my FAVORITE REDHEAD is coming to visit me for the ENTIRE weekend- I pick her up tonight! and...
3.) it's sorta sunshiney and beautiful outside :] (update: it's BRIGHTLY sunny & raining HUGE drops-_-)
and OH YEAH there's a 4th...I went jogging this morning @ 6:30. Refreshing!

I also just noticed that I'm ALMOST to 150 posts!! Wow.
The date for the 150th post shall be..... *drum roll* ...
June 3rd! Next Friday!
Do you all promise to come back and share your favorite moment of laughter with me, in a comment? I love funny stories!

Well I don't have TOO much more for ya, except for a little picture adventure, to show you how my last weekend went! Ready? GO!

I hung these rope lights in my room, in anticipation of summer. I love having these lit on our back porch when we have BBQ's or enjoy an evening around the firepit.

My cousin and I...
we have traveling good times.

We have an odd resemblance, eh? I can't pinpoint what it is,
but you can tell we're family. Besides the fact that his mom/my aunt & I look a TON alike. Creepy...
So, my point is: Adam is a lifesaver.
He knows what to say when I am having a rough day/week and
he can easily brighten my day with his giant bear hug. 

-->Shout-out to my favorite cousin: You're the best, cuz.<--

Next UP: This is from about a month ago. One of the most perfect days, ever.
:] this day.

And last, but NOT least. Adam and I almost ran over a few Vikings last Saturday.

In the flesh!! haha jk... We drove past them downtown, during Viking Fest. But we really almost did run them over.... trying to get a picture! :P
~they'll never know it was me MUWAHAHA!~

Don't walk too close to the edge of your sidewalks, because you never know where Adam & I might be adventuring! And we may almost run you over ;) Just teasing.
Please DO be super safe tho. Look both ways before crossing the street. And always kiss your mother when you see her!! Doesn't matter if you live with her or not! :]
Have fun tomorrow, kittens. Miss you already.
<3, Bex.

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