
Friday, April 01, 2011

First Day of School. Again.

I know you all want to hear about this... ;P

Monday, was my first day back to "School," aka "College." I had a constant adrenaline rush all morning 'cause I was so nervous, but it was sort of a good, swimming blur(so good, that I fell into a 2 hour coma when I got home around 5pm.). I met my quarter "quota" of ONE new friend per class(2 of them!) by Thursday. Let me elaborate...

    -Met James, in my very first class for Systems Concepts(M/W/F), on the very first day. Tuesday, I had my Dreamweaver class(Tues/Thrs) and nervously flashed a grin at the girl who came and sat down next to me. So Wednesday back to my 1st class....but then James wasn't there ...And just WHO was I supposed to sit by?! Haha I kid. I made it through like an adult, taking notes in all my glory, while the teacher gave his lecture. And the lady sitting in front of me tactfully turned around to make sure I was paying attention halfway thru the class(Pfff).

Thursday, upon entering my Dreamweaver class again- there was 'nice girl' walking in too. So I threw my brave-face to her and asked "Are you gonna sit by me? I'm Bex[err..whatever my real name is]." She accepted my invitation. I am very pleased with my lack of conversation skills. HA!
    -Oh! and her name is Courtney. Just to prove that she really exists.

Stresses? My books for both classes JUST came in today -_- So I'll be doing homework, write-ups, analysis([pluralized?? analyses?) over my WEEKEND, instead of playing, like all normal college-kids are supposed to ;)

Overall Analysis?(I'm over-using this word to prepare myself for 'Computer Concepts' assignments- ALL of them are titled "Unit analysis such-and-such.") ...I think I'll survive this after all :)

Prediction:I'll be cooped up in my 'weekend pants' every evening from 5-10 if you need me. Enjoy yourselves! Tell me about your adventures :) So I can vicariously live thru yours!!

xoxo, bex

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