
Friday, September 03, 2010

What are you going to do this weekend??

It's FRIDAY finally :) Again. 
Rejoice! ...I SAY, REJOICE!!!!!!

If your town is supposed to be as awesome as MINE is this weekend, you'll be outside doing some sort of recreational activity. Of course, none of you will be nearly as cool as this guy:
Dude, I have those shorts.
Oh, Water skiing isn't your "thing" huh? Try this...
Yeah, that's James-freakin'-Dean... about to whoop you at Ping Pong!
Now this guy...
That's O.G.
HAHA! I guess I spoke too soon, here's a famous guy in his 
pre-presidential candidacy. 
Original Gangsta.
Hey, ya gotta get scholarships into College SOMEHOW... AMIRIGHT?!

You could try tennis on-for-size. It's one of my favorite past times. 
And Paul Newman's apparently.
No, really! Lookie, Doveface!
Alright, maybe he was a cheerleader too... but I mean, no one's judging YOU 
for sitting here reading my blog all day! ;)
So maybe you're into the rougher things of life. Rifle Club, anyone? 
These ladies look welcoming.
Dudes, look at Rhonda on the far right. She's mean-muggin' you, BAD.
I watched a Marx Brothers movie the other week with the Grandmother, 
and they are SO FUNNY.
I don't have a photo of them being sporty, but if you're an 
then this photo is for you:

STOOGE! Well, of COURSE they're outside on this fine day. 
As my dad is "that guy" who doesn't wear sunscreen out on the green, he also 
is "that guy" to wear obnoxious plaid like Curly, here. 
But it's sort-of acceptable at the driving range.
I HIGHLY encourage sunscreen, folks. All day, every day. 
Go ahead, be THAT GUY who doesn't wear it. We'll see whose skin is riper than 
30 year-old-leather when we're all 45!! NOT THIS GUY!
Even 8 SPF, with TANNING OIL built-in. Honestly, how lazy could you be, that you 
don't appreciate a tan WHILE getting sun protection?? 
BTW: All caps, is a sarcastic tone, when you read this in your head :)
 ONE MORE! I've always wanted to take up fencing. HAHAHA <3 Sofia.

So Doveface, whatever you decide to do this weekend, please be safe. 
Don't break your faces(if you're me, that's ALL ya got going for ya), don't break any bones 
and for the love of Havarti cheese DO NOT BLOW ANYTHING/ONE UP!
<3 xoxo please stay fun, too!!

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