
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Today: I woke up on time.

So today, as title states... I woke up on time. Relax, everyone who knows me. I'm not sick!

I simply slept thru the night, peacefully I think O_o
Then, when I got to SBux - as is my daily routine on weekdays - I shook it up a little & decided TODAY was the day I could start being not-so-wasteful, & I bought one of their porcelain to-go cups. Because I despise drinking out of the plastic ones.

So here I am. A starbucks hipster. I solemnly promise to TRY to avoid fitting into any of the following categories:
>"That" girl who was reading a book WAY too close to her face, at a table alone... WAY too early in the morning.
>"That" girl who barges in front of me in line, to get her brewed black coffee in her to-go cup, & pays with CHANGE. EVERY. TIME.
>"That" guy who is always there in his torn/fashionista/American Eagle-trying-to-look-distressed- Jeans & black hoodie, on his MAC.. why is he there at 8:10 anyway?!!

Please save me from myself. I even wore white jeans.

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid I'm *that* girl who sits with her Mac and her vintage-style cardigan, trying to look like she's doing something important. Hell, we've all got an image to maintain... :)
