
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


times & tables are turning my torture.
if something's not ticking, its out of order.
rescue my voice please
do not let it grow dim
I've got lessons to live by,
and love to give him.
Its impossible to know how much
we would lose just to gain
I've shed blood in my tears,
for such a heartbreaking pain.

Landscapes are the colors of my aura.
the depth of a place,
the inspiring sound.
The distance that I cannot taste...
to touch, or hear, Seemingly unreal to me.
I don't believe the numbers game.
Instead I watch the colors that change
Hues and shades that do not exist again,
    come and go.
Washed up to the shallows of this shore,
the cables of a broken heart
drift apart from each other.
They do not even look to what could have been.

I cannot compare my love to a floating feather,
I cannot even pretend it's as fragile.
The oil lingers upon it, to ward off
the oceans tears, together they form
    a large army.

My love is not water-repellant,
and no heart could hurt more when
denied a chance.
Do not let your heart persuade you to danger.
I, this girl; this compassionate yet selfish

I am worth your time.

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