
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Being Right" - A (late) Study From Last Saturday's Poll

While we're talking about being happy...

Oh don't act like this bores you! ;) I'm clarifying something, here...

We all have an inclination and desire for happiness- whether it be a choice you've made(yes I agree, commenter-of-last-post, it CAN be a choice), or its something you've struggled to achieve, for one reason or another. I hate to be static about ANY one particular subject, but... Some people I know have genetic obstacles that don't mentally ALLOW them to just be happy whenever they wish. I have a terrible envy but also gratefulness for the people who have the ABILITY(yeah- It scientifically IS an ability) to choose for themselves whenever and however they please to be happy. Why grateful? Because sometimes those people make my day :]

sidenote: [...Click HERE for a really cool youtube video regarding our future as a whole & planet Earth...]

Moving on! Hooray for subject changes!!!

I promised you an article about BEING RIGHT. And here are my findings...I researched how people in general feel about "being right" and also conducted a poll- that you may have participated in(thanks to you!!) The options for answering were(in not the same order):
a.) Often Enough     (20%)
b.) Never                  (0%)
c.) Not enough        (0%)
d.) ALWAYS             (80%)
I don't know about you, but this screams to me that we have awfully large opinions of ourselves! Yes? Teehee! It makes me laugh to think that I took it seriously enough to be the only one to answer A. Maybe you think its funny, or maybe you find it offensive that 4 out of 5 people have the audacity to view themselves always correct.
Chances are, if you find it offensive... you're right. At least in your own eyes ;)

I found a REALLY great article on a "life coach" website. Here are the points that I found jumped out at me the most:

"Have you ever attempted to reason with a child who knows everything? It’s their way or no way at all. They simply cannot understand the concept of another person’s point of view. Children go through a stage where they are extremely self-absorbed. Everything is mine and they will not share. The world revolves around their desires and needs. This is a normal stage of childhood where the child is asserting their individuality and independence. The problem arises when the behavior is carried over into adulthood.

People Who Have a Need to be Right
People who need to be right have little patience for others. They perceive their ideas as the right way to do things and their viewpoints as the right way to think. A differing opinion is a direct affront to their sense of well-being and they become extremely aggressive in their defense of themselves. They tend to alienate others due to their insistence on being ‘right’. The importance of the issue in question doesn’t seem to have any relevance. " (written by Shelley Stile)

By the way- I italicized that sentence about it being carried into adulthood. Anyway, being a fairly neutral person I happen to agree with her piece. I couldn't have written it better. And thats my say for today! Short and sweet, people. Gotta go do stuff... you know, like...butting into conversations and blurting my opinions regardless of others' sharp looks of disapproval... ;) Try & have a sunny day, no matter what the weather is like!
xoxo - Red*

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