
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A sample...

I listened to a song
with my whole body tuning in

I let the notes soak into my achey joints;
my bones felt lighter and my muscles
finally rested still.

Closing my eyes, the pull of
a vacuum wind moved me silently forward...
through the changes of seasons.
The icey chill of a February frost
forming on the buds of new grass in sunrise.

I saw the ocean in my mind, heard
nothing but seagulls, and crashing
effortless waves of countless fallen tears
that a dry bed had captured thousands of years ago.

The sunshine was the loudest - it
touched everything, the invisible
warmth it gave for free, was it's
own symphony.

There was a pulse too infinite to describe.
And for a minute, slowly I hear each raindrop,
each bird land, each lioness paw at the Earth in a dead run...
And I am back again driving in
the night. Safe in the confines
of my routine.

I smile because although I feel
loss, I feel love. In my
weakness, I have a strength.

I will gain all that I love,
that determined quality
is truly, me.


Friday, you should come back after you've read this thru a few times. Why? Get the feel of it, and then hear the music that inspired this, and which fits the motion.
Then tell me what ya think. Oh and my parent's Surprise Anniversary Party went swimmingly. That was the announcement from last week, you guys! Thanks to those of you, my dearest friends who helped coordinate and for all your delicious COOKING. x} It was more than enough food.

See you Friday :)
Be safe, birdies.
<3, bex.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Don't tell that I skipped. Skipped what? Huh?


I totally have been holding out on you. If you haven't been enlightened as to JUST how cute 13 year olds can be...wait... I mean THESE mindless kids... You've been missing out. PLEASE WATCH :)

"..a hundred forty characters is moooore than enough!"  
... Oh, hai! You're here. What was I saying?

Wednesday I went on a bike ride!
Here's mah boys...

Today... I went with a Client to pick out their house materials...

Holy moley...4 hours later...
I was officially bored.

And then...

And then they fed me :)
Isn't it purdy? It looks like metal!

The End. 

My SURPRISE event is this weekend, and I'll tell you about it next week- cause if I did now.... welllllllllll that would be a DUMB move. I'm a woman *points to brain*...

Have a great weekend, you silly shenanigans :]
<3, bex...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday grew wings!!

Whoa. My Friday flew by a little faster than I expected, how about yours?? I'm getting ready for bed and wanted to drop you all a line- I didn't forget my promise... Of an announcement!

Remember when I said "this dirty thing" a few weeks back? You didn't click thru, did you? :P I don't blame you. So it's called the "Survivor Mud Run" and I'll be participating tomorrow with a few friends. Wish me speedy legs and expansive lungs!!

I'll be back Tuesday with a mini-recap hopefully if I remember(someone PLEASE remind me!)!
Take care :]

<3, cyber-Bex (heh heh don't be J.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Making it up to you.

WOAH. I know I totally left you hanging last Friday, and I sorta apologize... but don't you think for a minute I'd leave you for too long. I was busy being cool and stuff... you know, having things to do, and making messes to clean, and wasting time to let my brain re-coordinate. Happy stuff :) Listen here, don't you judge me. I have a life outside my blog! Okay okay, so moving on.

I'm going to recommend other places for you to go read today :)
"But WHYYY?!" you beg? Because I am human, and humans get tired, and 
I'm tired of typing right now. I'll be back Friday, with an announcement that is more for 
my own excitement than yours. 
Maybe I'll see you there?! I hope!!

| because if you are reading my shenanigans, then you will LOVE this guys work.
| because I know you all enjoy eating.
| because she is a wonderful photog and I know you all like to stare down pretty pictures.
| because if you are here, you like to laugh about relatable topics, and this is relatable stuff :)
[Also I'd like to point out that blogspot thinks relatable is not a word. I'm pretty sure it is. Right?]

Anywho, hope that is enough to keep your little mittens tied over til Friday.
Come back!!!
<3, bex.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Me. In a nutshell.

Me, every morning.

Me, the rest of the day.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Summer is nearing the riverbend

Don't act like you didn't start singing that 'Pocahontas' song.


I've been doing a bit of waitressing at a family friend's Mexican restaurant for the last 2 weeks. And it's WAY more fun than I thought it would be. (Watch: tonight at work, I'll get a drink thrown in my face.)

In other news... Have I told you about how misbehaved my dogs are? They are. See...
Up on the furniture like it ain't no thang. *shakes head*

I went on a bike ride in the rain Wednesday, and almost ran THIS over.

One more thing... this girl...
she CRACKS me UP!
Most fun ever.

Incredible Photog skills!

Go adventure, outside!!
I'm writing less today, to get you to read less just for THIS WEEKEND, 
since it's supposed to be so beautiful here in Seattle. Enjoy!
See you Tuesday.
<3 Bex.