
Monday, February 25, 2013

February Catchup

Good Afternoon, Monday!
I'd like to take a minute or two and discuss briefly my past couple years on ' thewaywelaugh.'
I have loved having my own personal internet space. Knowing people are visiting & reading my aimless thoughts, is the little tiny bit of secular fulfillment that my ego needs every here & there. And this isn't a "It's been nice to know you, so goodbye" post. Definitely staying.


Just wanted to say "Hi, thank you SO gratefully, and please keep comfy."

I think now I've "remodeled" my website 3 times over the last couple years, just to keep things fresh. I did so again last Tuesday & I would like to hear your thoughts, if you noticed ;] ...

I've made some specific dedications on here in the past & this heartfelt post will be no different. Laughing is a cure to me. And to be honest, I haven't had as many good, hearty laughing sessions as I have needed in the last 6 months. I've had a relatively rough time adjusting to big-kid life, accepting some changes I've had to make, & leaning on certain people that I never expected to open up to. Into my life again, walked a woman that has both walked in & out of my life numerous times. Our friendship has transcended rationale. We've fought hard, we've cried together, we agree often & we have often agreed-to-disagree. For one, or a billion reasons, our friendship has reunited & glued us together for eternities that we'll never understand. But since the airing of the Disney Classic The Fox & The Hound, our mutual agreement upon the following lines couldn't be easier:
- "We'll always be friends forever, won't we?"
- "Yeah, forever."

That seals the deal. So Kelly, thank you for everything. Your sly humor, your teasing, your generosity, advice, hard-knock-love and your hugs when I've needed a lift so badly. They've meant more than all our growing mistakes. I will always support you in whatever you allow me to, & be there, for whatever new circumstance approaches your life. I can't wait for lots of years and more life shared with you, my ultimate best friend.

There have been numerous others as well, who have been there to share an insightful viewpoint, shake a finger at my mouth, and/or just hear me out when asked: "So how ARE you?"  And those particular ones who have been "granted" "the golden nugget of my friendship"... I thank you also. Heavily.

Katie(You just are the best kind of friend material. I love how easily you make me laugh. Don't stop.)
Mariah R.(You quickly shake me down into a condensed, more ideal version of myself)
Abby(You support me through anything, & tell me how it is, too)
Marino(You aren't afraid to yell at me when I need it, & keep me realistic. Huge respect, friend.)
Adam(You manage to still love me, even though I'm not the ideal family member)
Courtney(You GET me. And you always will. Couldn't deny that if I tried)
Patrick(Best brother ever, you keep me distracted exactly when I need it),

...these have all been little rocks along my way of instability. And a few others that I can't mention. You know who YOU are. And you're still here reading, which continues to prove your support & concern.

Everyone? Sincerely, I love you.

love, bex


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Since Kelly couldn't get her comment to load on here for some reason, she emailed me the comment she wanted to make & requested that I post it. Here is Kelly's(from the above article, yes, THE KELLY) reply to my article :)Ladies & Gentleman, my best one:

    "First of all, I like what you've done to the place, nice and bright in here.
    Secondly, from what I've gathered, I think it's safe to say that you might...slightly perhaps, value my existence? XP
    Uhhh....HOW do I even top everything that you have typed above, when i'm having difficulties finding the specific words?!
    Dear Rebekah, lol
    You don't know how special I felt reading this post through blurry welled up eyes. It gave me flashbacks of growing up, and to no surprise, my happy childhood/teenage memories ALL had strings attached to you.
    Oh man, the shenanigans and the inside jokes; our fights big and small; the hilarious commentary we HAD to have about everything; how I tortured you with my silly antics! I'm laughing to myself typing this now.
    "Ladies and gents, this is a genuine friend right here! You can't aspire to it, so... you can go home now." LOL
    We have a non-distinct relationship don't we? Not easily categorized, and I like to think that everyone is aware of that...even from afar :)
    Thanks for allowing me to be true to myself and not minding it too much. ;)
    Thanks for the sincere laughs and hugs. Thanks for welcoming my venting and for how you've dealt with my sadness. Thanks for being on stand-by when I NEEDED to grow in my own way, but NEVER apart from you. :)

    You my friend are often intricate, and exceptionally strange, but these qualities are a few of my FAVORITES, because they catch my brain wave and keep me constantly entertained.
    So much more I could thank you for, but do we really have the time?! :P
    Anyways, blah blah blah, words words words. They can only mean so much, and you already know it all.
    LOVE YOUR HEART! <3 <3 <3
