
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

thankful for life....thankful for you.

Good Morning Sunshine Kids,
It's time to peer into the lives of others, and see what's happening on blogs around the world... Here is an article I found most incredible. Sharing is caring! : ) Here's the link to the actual website, and the article is copy & pasted below. Enjoy!

Near the end of August I came across a blog called Shine Little Light written by Sophie from Sydney, Australia. Every Saturday, Sophie publishes the current week’s edition of her ongoing series, Things to Be Thankful For.
I consider myself a generally thankful person. I try to acknowledge the good stuff in my life and not take the extraordinarily lucky fates that allow me to live, work, learn, and access services for granted. That said, reading her weekly posts I started thinking about how an active habit of thankfulness could influence a person’s daily life. My presumption was that the intentional development of gratitude would likely be of potentially immense personal value. I imaged that stress levels would recede, relationships would strengthen, tempers would cool, and I may be able to better live more fully in the beauty and joy of life.
I decided to try and work on developing thankfulness into my daily routine.
I grabbed an empty navy blue notebook that I had on hand and started recording my thoughts whenever I felt appreciative. Almost immediately thereafter, some really crappy days came rumbling through and with those challenges I found that yes, my suspicions were correct. With a daily gratitude routine I found the stresses of life were somehow easier to deal with, I was more calm and reasonable, and I managed to retain a semblance of perspective and empathy in places where in the past, tempers flared.
I fully attribute this softening to my attentive focus on appreciating the good, even when life occasionally feels about as solid as scrambled eggs.
Then, on the 12th of September, less than two weeks after I started this process, I lost my little book.
At first I freaked out over someone finding and reading the personal details of my life, possibly even knowing it was mine and thinking less of me. Because of the easy to carry size of the notebook, I had taken to carrying it around in my bag or back pocket and so I could note my thanks on the go. In it, I had made admissions of my own less-than-stellar moments (attached to appreciation of my husband’s patience), and there were plenty of identifying details that would easily link it back to me.
On the day it went missing, I had run a number of errands in the morning, went to work, came home, and then back out to drinks with The Mister and some friends. All of these events took place in a six-block radius, so I knew I it was nearby, but where?
After a couple of days of going without, I started to really miss my thankfulness practice and started anew with a larger less-likely-to-be-lost blank book. After a few weeks I had all but forgot about the missing book containing those first two weeks gratitude.
Last week, the lost book came back to me.
It turns out, I left it at work.
I work in a place where different people use different workstations daily and it’s normal to rotate quite a bit. I left it in the desk I had been working at, and last week when I was assigned to that space again, I was cleaning up and a familiar blue corner peeked out from the clutter.
The dread and panic I felt when I initially lost it rose back into my chest as I pulled it out of the pile and saw that the paper cover was faded from handling, the pages rumpled from touch. It had clearly been read.
I steeled myself while I opened it to re-read my admissions, to see just what secrets I had inadvertently shared that many of coworkers obviously now knew.
My anxiety turned to surprise when I turned a page to the 12th of September and could see through the paper that the writing continued. I turned the page again and saw this:
It reads as follows:
13 September 2010
1. I am grateful for the words of a stranger who has reminded me to be grateful.
2. I am grateful that I am brave enough to write in someone else’s book, or is the word cheeky?
3. I am grateful for the generosity of my friends, of their hearts, their time, their wallets, their attention.
4. I am grateful for pens and paper.
5. I am grateful that I am tired, hungover and cranky by choice
6. I am grateful for music, for it’s ability for rescue and repair me.
7. I am grateful for interactions with strangers, whether they are fleeting or whether they become friendships.
8. I am grateful for the dictionary on my iPhone that just taught me what jeer means – to grin and laugh coarsely or mockingly.
9. I am grateful for this job where I can take time to think and write.
You guys, I cried.
The book was full. Written to the last page in countless different hands.
Nobody mocked it. Nobody commented on other people’s thanks except to give messages of support on issues that others were struggling with. The writers also made admissions of their own imperfections and thanked me for sharing mine although I had clearly not intended to. Page after page I read the personal hopes and heartfelt appreciations for all the little things of monumental importance in their lives.
Astonishingly, a gratitude that was repeated again in again in myriad hands and pens was the appreciation of the book itself. That it reminded them to be grateful, that it showed them they weren’t alone in both the blues and the pinks of life, that it remained there waiting to be read containing new thanks since they last wrote in it.

So, Happy 'Tuesday Treat' to you. If you are having a crappy day, try and make someone else's day better, it will most definitely raise your spirits. Oh and if you're reading this, be thankful that you CAN read.
Hope you all are grateful for something simple and overly taken for granted!!
Love it! Love you, faithful readers. Behave yourselves ;)
<3 bex....

    Thursday, November 25, 2010

    100th Post, like ...forever AGO!

    I totally skipped over the fact that last Friday, was my 100th post!
    Time to wake up to the pungent Folgers that. is. your. BLOG! and remember to CELEBRATE these things!
    *celebrates alone*
    Yeah. So Wednesday morning, I stayed home from work because of the sheets of ICE 
    that have become our ROADWAYS. *shiver*
    As I was saying, I came in around noon-thirty. With a cold. 
    See my article regarding KEEPING YOUR GERMS TO YOURSELF.

    So I sat, cold, with my snow-jacket ON, freezing fingers(OH COLD HANDS/WARM HEARTS GIFT, pllllllleeeeeeaaase COME SOON!!), sniffling and giggling at my google-reader blog-reviews.
    This morning I am cozy at home, off work AGAIN, for the holiday. BEST WEEK OF WORK EVER.


    THE SNOW IS MELTING!!!! I loved watching the snow fall, while I was at work Monday; it was very peaceful and relaxing. Not to mention snow is somewhat DRY compared to rain, so I enjoyed the fact that I felt I was sitting inside of a snowglobe :)
    My family and I cooked a huge breakfast this morning, since we were all home together:
    My dad vs the Waffle maker...

    It won:

    The highlight was really the coffee:
    See the steam? Perfect.

    Tomorrow's plan: Black Friday Madness.
    Coffee will be involved, rest assured.
    I am in need of stocking up on Bath & Body Works EVERYTHING-supply. For the first time in my life, I'm ALMOST out of all soaps and body washes, and (ok so not lotion, I'm good there) shaving lotion. That stuff maybe be expensive but I highly recommend it. It leaves the smoothest shave ever. And yeah, we're about to border into TMI territory, so I'll end on this...
    Have a great weekend everyone, no killing each other at Wal-Mart with your shopping carts!!!
    Little old ladies may be slow, but they have things to buy too!!
    And they grandkids that LOVE them! Just remember that.

    Ok, farewell 'til Tuesday:)
    Love you all <3 xoxo Bex...

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Snow Days!

    Guess where I am!?


    It snowed like crazy yesterday, and so today I am at home avoiding the masses of traffic that are piled up everywhere. NOT ONLY did it snow, but the temp dropped and iced everything over. Too bad we live in the wettest part of the state!

    No one in this Peninsula area knows how to drive properly in these conditions, therefore this is what happens...
    People park their cars along the side of the roads, IN MY WAY, because they didn't think it was a bad idea to take a joyride during a snowstorm, last night. Or because they didn't THINK. And I'm not just being vent-y because I've been out in it, driving my parents around with my 4wheel-drive, but HONESTLY these are people trying to rush to the mall who just are in the way; not the good people who are just trying to get home to make dinner for their families. Don't even get me started on the story regarding my 2 hour trip from Wal-Mart to home, WHICH IS LESS THAN 3 miles MIGHT-I-ADD.
    ALSO another crazy thing I saw (that I didn't get a chance to take a picture of, because I'm a safe driver ;)) ...was a school bus stopped and parked on the right side of the highway because it couldn't make it up the hill. Kinda sad- those school buses were picking up stranded people on the roads...then the bus got stuck... is that IRONY?

    Anywho here's some more snow pictures :)

     Here's my Tawny girl in the snow. I was the last to leave work yesterday. :) This was just at 1:30pm....!

    And this is the inside of my jeep, looking out to my windshield. I had to get back out carefully and scrape the windows off with a FLIP FLOP I happened to have in the very back of my Jeep, HAH!
    Ingenious? I think so.

    Please be safe out there, you monsters!!!
    xoxo, bex

    Friday, November 19, 2010

    Good Morning Friday Creatures!

    Aren't you all just THRILLED to be finally ascending into our Friday atmosphere???
    Ohhh ME[as my grandpa used to say!]...

    I am so ready for Friday, that I wrote this poem while in line for coffee this morning:

    "A random lady in line smiled at me,
    waiting in another line.
    She had 'truly happy' painted
    on her face; I recognized it
    because it reflected my own."

    I'm not tryin' to get all sappy on ya ;) BUT I am having a happy Friday. Hopefully work doesn't kill my buzz. (Uhh, jk??) What do you dovefaces have planned for this weekend? On Saturday here in the Great(capitalized??) Northwest, it's supposed to be a low of 30 and VERY wet, Aka: "YOU'LL BE FROZEN EVEN ON THE INSIDE YOUR BONES, SO YOU BETTER WEAR A SCARF LIKE GRANDMA ALWAYS TOLD YOU."

    And now I am going to make fun of Twilight. Ready? GO! 
    And her love for all things properly punctuational(YEAH that IS a word) makes my heart SWOON.

    Well, I'm still searching for the PERFECT gloves to send my blog-swap Buddy, Amanda!!(See Cold Hands, Warm Hearts promo) If you have any recommendations, send them my way. I can always be found at zomgitsfriday[at]gmail[dot]com

    Who's been keeping up with Conan??? 
    TELL ME HOW AWESOME IT'S BEEN! I have missed it :(

    Love you, muffins! Have a safe, fresh and frilly weekend!
    xo bex....

    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    an article I wrote for another site...

    Dear Public Automatic Flushing Toilets,

    I am not fond of you.
    Never was I, in the past, particularly in enjoyment of having my
    hind end ogled by an anonymous technology.
    But I endured years of your annoyances… flushing while I was still sitting down,
    flushing too hard and lightly spraying the butt of my jeans with your tsunami swirl…
    imagining that someday I’d HAVE to get used to you.
    Today though, enough is enough.
    As you screeched in the pitch to match a 6-year old’s terror, before the water even
    began to stir, I would have peed my nylons, if I had not just gone #1.
    So, just FYI… we are not longer distant friends. Not even the facebook friend
    kindof distance, where you block them from seeing most everything blackmail-worthy.
    I just kind of want to not sit down anymore.
    Thanks for that, jackwagon.
    <3, Bex.

    Friday, November 12, 2010


    Did any of you notice that new little box on the right?

    Scroll down a little, there you go :)

    It says Cold Hands, Warm Hearts! I entered to participate in a Blogger-Mitten-Swap to keep our fluttery typing fingers warm this season, and to network with someone across the world(if you were so fortunate!). My blogger-partner's name is Amanda!! :) And her and I will be sending each other a sweet winter care package soon. I'M SO EXCITED!!!

    And her blog is a DIY DREAM!!! I was swooning over her projects and the colors she uses. Go see her!!!

    ANYWHO Everyone! I'm going to a formal dinner on Sunday, and to exchange some thrift clothes tomorrow!!

    As my good friend Praxis would say: "Wewt."

    Have a good weekend lovelies!! Sorry to be so brief!!

    Tuesday, November 09, 2010

    Sick! Oh, the Tuesday TERROR!

    Dove-faces, I have been sickly. Twice in 2 weeks!
    I know, it's tragic. Please don't cry for me, I'm on my SECOND upswing.

    But my reason for writing about it, is that I don't understand people who are NOT cleanly.
    I mean honestly, it's not hard to wash your hands more than twice a day. It's not hard to cough into the crick of your ELBOW, instead of the palm of your hand. It's also very polite to do so. And Grandma, every time I cough is not an invite for you to tell me for the 19th time today to USE YOUR THROAT SPRAY.
    I love you grandma.

    Last Tuesday I came into work late, say 11-ish AM; TO KEEP FROM SPREADING IT. And Monday- I came in at 2PM; TO KEEP FROM SPREADING IT! And I'm caught up with all my work.

    Moral of the story: The world does not end, when you keep your germs to yourself.
    SO DO IT.

    I've been good. And I still got the sickness TWICE.
    Needless to say, I treated myself to a cookie.
    Maybe two.

    Heavy on the cinnamon. Plus the cute decor.
    Be kind this week, friends. We all need a little tenderness, as stated the late Frankie S.
    xoxo, bex

    "Look at that Lunar Wobble!! HA! Just like the real thing!"
    HA! Andy Reichter is such a good addition.
    I thought Conan was gonna cry he was laughing so hard.

    Friday, November 05, 2010

    Here's something old, borrowed & probably blue by now

    we differ,
    and that's okay.
    you remember my favorite things,
    and that is great.

    you tell me to be honest,
    when you know that I won't
    so I do, and guess what?
    It's all better.

    I like your funny faces, best
    because I know you're happy.
    You pause, soaking in the moment
    when I prove to know you.

    We would talk forever
    if we didn't need sleep
    and I can hear you smiling,
    when I can't see your face.

    I detect you and
    you detect me.

    this may be all
    we ever need.

    Tuesday, November 02, 2010

    Tuesday Treat, BEST!!!

    **Update!! It was brought to my ignorant attention, that these are NOT porcupines, and indeed are hedgehogs! What the HECK! Not like I've ever seen one in my backyard, anyway!! Thank you Anonymous commenter! And now I have to go because Richard Simmons is on Fox News!**


    I have nothing else to tell you except that I hope these make you smile!!!!!

    Laugh for goodness sakes! It's 1 day farther away from Monday ;)
    xoxoXOXO <3bex