
Monday, March 19, 2012

March Madness?

Dear People Who Read This Blog,
To Whom It May Concern, &
Dearest Kittenfaces...

I have neared the finish line of my schooling. 
This coming week (Tues-Fri) will close my basic Esthetics training in Seattle 
& I will be 1 remaining step away from being a Licensed Esthetician.

And NOW.... an interlude from Billy Collins(taken from "Dear Reader"):

"But now you are here with me,
composed in the open field of this page,
no room or manicured garden to enclose us,
no Zeitgeist marching in the background, 
no heavy ethos thrown over us like a cloak.

Instead our meeting is so brief and accidental,
unnoticed by the monocled eye of History,
you could be the man I held the door for
this morning at the bank or post office
or the one who wrapped my speckled fish.
You could be someone I passed on the street
or the face behind the wheel of an oncoming car.

The sunlight flashes off your windshield,
and when I look up into the small, posted mirror,
I watch you diminish- my echo, my twin-
and vanish around a curve in this whip
of a road we can't help traveling together."

(credit? Email me if this is yours: zomgitsfriday[at]gmail[dot]com)

I need this in my life all the time.
Who wants to take me to the ocean?! :)
I'm a cheap date! Most of the time..


ps. Who needs a good waxin?!

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