
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Making it up to you.

WOAH. I know I totally left you hanging last Friday, and I sorta apologize... but don't you think for a minute I'd leave you for too long. I was busy being cool and stuff... you know, having things to do, and making messes to clean, and wasting time to let my brain re-coordinate. Happy stuff :) Listen here, don't you judge me. I have a life outside my blog! Okay okay, so moving on.

I'm going to recommend other places for you to go read today :)
"But WHYYY?!" you beg? Because I am human, and humans get tired, and 
I'm tired of typing right now. I'll be back Friday, with an announcement that is more for 
my own excitement than yours. 
Maybe I'll see you there?! I hope!!

| because if you are reading my shenanigans, then you will LOVE this guys work.
| because I know you all enjoy eating.
| because she is a wonderful photog and I know you all like to stare down pretty pictures.
| because if you are here, you like to laugh about relatable topics, and this is relatable stuff :)
[Also I'd like to point out that blogspot thinks relatable is not a word. I'm pretty sure it is. Right?]

Anywho, hope that is enough to keep your little mittens tied over til Friday.
Come back!!!
<3, bex.

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