
Friday, March 25, 2011

'Tis time to pay Caesar. Oh wait, he's paying me!

Good Friday to you!
Have you all been good boys & girls, and filed your taxes already? I just did.
Lincoln is excited, but he's hiding his emotion here. He's not 'big' on being expressive.
Man! That is a crappy picture! Praxis! iPhone quality is only good on certain occasions.


I mean ... yay? *shakes in the corner* I'm nervous. Not only am I going to school.... but(emphatic pause).. I'm going to school. Does that make sense? OkayOkay lemme e'splain. I'm nervous. I hate school. I'm going back voluntarily. Ayy.
Geez, that wasn't so hard was it?

Well, my week was fairly uneventful, I've been preparing for the 28th(1st day of school) for about 2 weeks now. First it was "exciting, cause I get to sleep in for a week before!", then it was... "this is happening!" and now it's just... "[dread] UGH I'm gonna have homework and projects to do."
 Ew, school, how dare you lure me!
:) Just kidding, I'm ready to start something new and to have a little "college" notch in my belt of various things I happen to be interested/dabbling in.
Ok now to enjoy my last weekend before I mentally throw myself back to 11th grade(including the black emo bangs)...I'm going out of town. 

Nanner. Nanner.
xox, bex.

1 comment:

  1. ha! your wittiness is extreme in this post., And that picture! you seem like quite the intiresting person lol
